Parky (50F) Wind from N.W 11mph, gusting to 19mph.

Took Greenway trail as far as Jacksonburg Rd trailhead (about 1:20). Stopped for an energy bar. South 6 miles down J’burg road to Swoveland Rd (HarvestLand Co-Op was where I took the photos), then 2 miles East to Sugar Grove. Right turn here and south for a mile or so, then left (east on Ted Davis. At the end of Ted Daavis I had the choice of going left at Washington and then east on Bond and then Rt Carlos, left on Foland but last time I went that way there were dogs on Foland Rd (2 of the critters). So I decided to turn right (south) on Washington, and then left (east) up Garrett rd towards Mineral Springs.
Hammered south down Mineral Springs a couple of miles and at the cross road to College Corner I turned left (east) again but kept straight on at George Early. This twists and turns until it terminates at Grove. Here I had a choice, south would take me back to College Corner but I decide to turn left (north) and nip up Grove to right on Kempton taking me to Centerville Rd. Here I went south (strange?) but then turned left at Gates (east). This turned out great cos I had the wind behind me and I dashed along here, dogleg at RoundBarn to Crowe and then south down Salisbury. Turned left (east) at Main and thence home.
Weather was quite sunny but the wind was cold and I dressed up warm, which I needed.
Statistic | Value |
Time started | 14:48 |
Ride time (hh:mm) | 2:42 |
Stopped time (hh:mm) | 25:25 |
Distance (miles) | 43.67 |
Av. speed (mph) | 16.16 |
Fastest speed (mph) | 30.08 |
Ascent (ft) | 528 |
Descent (ft) | 573 |
Energy burn (kJ) | 8423 |
May 9 — Speed May 9 – Elevation