via Harshman Bridge
Assembled at the Kohl’s car park at 8am (up at 5:30am)! The following lads accompanied me:
- Pat Williams (leader)
- Kevin Miles
- Jack Werle
- Joe Schroeder
- Mark Lieberman
- George
The early morning was so cool that I had cycled over via the Glenn Miller park in my autumn long sleeved cycling jacket. However, once at the assembly point I doffed it and stuffed into a back bag.
We went the normal route to Ohio down Industries Rd and then over the railway and zig-zaging until we came to the Crawfordsville-Campbellstown Rd where the road was smooth and George let rip & I tried to follow. At Campbellstown it was south on W Florence Rd for 3 miles or so and then jog to proceed down Dove Rd. Left at the T on Dixon and then south on Wyatt to California School Rd where we turned west. George alerted us to nasty potholes which were almost invisible in the shade and, sure enough, Jack acquired a puncture in his front tyre. After he had fixed it we turned north and rode through Harshman covered bridge and on to the Concord church.
By this time the weather had hotted up considerably and so I took a short cut home along the very ‘lumpy’ Wernle Rd.
The ‘stopped time’ was about an hour (we waited at each junction for folks to catch up & Jack’s puncture fix took a while) so I did not get back until 11am. Even though the average speed wasn’t brilliant I felt that it was quite a hard ride with George pushing the pace whenever he could.
Here are two pics of Kevin & Pat at The Harshman bridge from a previous ride.